
Email Configuration For Smartphones

Smartphone Email Configuration Issues

If you have discovered issues configuring your email on your Android or iPhone’s for any domain hosted with FirestarHosting.CC, this is because it has come to my attention that iMap is not working with those smartphones.
For iMap, you may discover the message:
Cannot connect using SSL. Would you like to configure the account without using SSL?
As a workaround, please use POP3 along with SMTP to configure your email.
If you require assistance with this, please send an email to

With subject: Help With Smartphone Email Account Configuration
Within the body of the message, state the type of smartphone you have (I.E., Android, iPhone, and operating system, OS, you have, iOS8, Android Lollipop.)
The ticket will also have to include the domain name (including either the dot Com, dot CC, dot net, etc.)
I will then assist you (if I am able to,) in configuring your email account for Pop3/SMTP.